Zitat des Herstellers Sea to Summit:
"The Sea to Summit iPOOd!™ is a super strong and very lightweight full-size camp trowel designed to support the Leave No Trace ethic of minimizing backcountry impact by humans. The brand new iPOOd!™ redefines the camp trowel with its collapsible, carry-anywhere design and heaps of extra features. The perfect tool for backcountry or outback travel."
1 Kommentar:
Das ist ja wirklich eine Marktlücke. Dann kann ich doch glatt meine Aldi-Plastiktüte verkaufen, die ich für unfassbare $ 9.99 verkaufe unter dem Namen iPUPs:
The ultimate iPUPs device helps to reduce the CO2 emission by more than 70%. After a delightful meal, use iPUPs for your natural wind. Once you are finished you can either filter the extracted air through our optional filter system (at an additional cost of $ 899.99) or you just use your lunges.
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